[伤感] 女生伤感英文个性签名

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  1. If you have hobbies, you will be persistent, and if you have  persistence, you will be desperate.


  2. I'd like to walk a long way with you, which is called the rest of my  life.


  If you want something, let it go. If it can come back to you, it will  always belong to you; if it does not come back, it is not yours at all.


  4. Belief is fighting, people are thinking, life is moving forward, love is  continuing, heaven is ahead, grave is behind, sorrow is yesterday, hope is  tomorrow. -- Hugo


  As long as you are a swan egg, it doesn't matter if you were born in a  chicken farm.


  6. Sometimes, people cry not because they are weak, but because they endure  for too long. Life is very interesting. In the end, the deepest pain becomes  your most powerful power. Pain, cry, and then move forward, no longer look back,  smile walked by, dismissive.


  Seven, is not all the touched have been abandoned, is not all the happiness  disappeared without trace, is not all the love are painful memories.


  8. Love is a kind of vanity that needs to be proved constantly, just like  fireworks need to be lit to see brilliance.


  9. Many times, you feel that you are holding on to a relationship, but in  fact, you are only deceiving yourself. You think you can't leave, but you are  just immersed in fantasy. Love doesn't mean you can persist if you want to, it's  not yours, it can never be yours. It's yours, even if you don't want it. Love is  not to insist on tenacity and imagination, but to let everything go. Wake up and  fool your people.


  10. There are not so many things about making movies in the world. What you  think is quot;it's hard to open your heart to love youquot;. The truth is often quot;not so  lovequot;.


  11. No matter what is good, there will be a day of loss; no matter how deep  your memory is, there will be a day of forgetting; no matter how much you love,  there will be a day of going away; no matter how beautiful your dream is, there  will be a day of waking up. What should be given up will never be retained, and  what should be treasured will never be let go.


  The so-called forever only represents yesterday. The so-called love only  represents the time. There are some people living in memory, unforgettable;  there are some people living around, but very far away. When you look back,  lovesickness becomes sorrow. When you look back, it becomes resentment.


  XIII. How much has been lost in long-distance marriage, the company of  relatives, the love of friends and a place called hometown. Are you too  persistent in love or too determined in family love? If everything can be chosen  from a new perspective, will you follow the person you love to go abroad?


  XIV. Seemingly heartless people are easy to be sad. They are all pressed in  deep places. When they encounter a little sunshine, a little similar plot, and a  little familiar back, they will run away in panic. Some people, some words, can  understand more truly only when they appreciate them with heart. Some things, we  can be moved, but we can't cry, because once we let our feelings go, we are  afraid that we will cry.

  十五、多少次 独自一人上路、汽车 火车 飞机 出租车 大巴 公交车 一趟行程转来换去各种交通工具,不是为了梦想就是为了爱情  努力而执着!如今,那个充满活力充满朝气 勇敢单纯的姑娘是怎么了?究竟是怎么了?像个破皮球 邋遢而无用!

  15. How many times have you been on the road alone, by car, train, plane,  taxi, bus, bus, etc. to change all kinds of means of transportation, either for  dreams or for love? Now, what's the matter with that girl who is full of  vitality, courage and simplicity? What's the matter? She looks like a ragged  ball and is useless!


  16. What really matters in life is not what happened to you, but what you  remember and how.


  17. Life is like a book, full of ups and downs, recording happiness, anger  and sadness.


  XVIII. In the world of life, travel in a hurry, treat life kindly, don't  forget what you have, and cherish what you have. Everyone is exploring the  meaning of fate. A happy life is to treat happiness as a kind of behavior, to  treat all troubles as indifferent, is the right and obligation of life.


  XIX. Everyone will have a past that they don't want to mention. It's hidden  in the deepest part of their heart, and then it hurts to tears, but you can't  touch it, even if you don't want to, because those wounds will hurt and  suffocate.


  20. I'll restore the notes to your first name, with the first name and  surname.


  21. I don't know how you fade out of my world, probably because every time  you send a message you don't reply, every time you call you pretend to be busy,  or I'm excited to send you a dozen lines of chat content, you only return to me  one oh time.


  22. It's easy to lose yourself and ignore the people who care about you.  Being too persistent in one thing will only make you fall into it and lose  yourself. Go out of the shadow of the past, find yourself again, laugh when you  are happy, occasionally dress up for literature and art, and make an appointment  with your little friends for a trip that you can go as soon as you say.


  23. Those irrelevant scenes are often only for those irrelevant people.


  24. Most beautiful things can't stand destruction, such as crystal, such as  crystal love.


  25. Many people's so-called maturity is just that they have been sharpened  by customs and become sophisticated and practical. It is not maturity, but the  premature decline of spirit and personality. The real maturity should be the  image of unique personality, the discovery of true self, the result and harvest  of spirit.


  26. Someone remembers your little details, which makes me feel very sad.  Not because you keep reminding them, but because of him
